Our team’s vision can be summarized in the question “Are we making disciples” In everything we are doing we aim towards the goal of raising up disciples. This is to fulfill Jesus’ commission to us to make disciples among all nations.
Why did we choose to establish a church planting team in Greece among refugees? For some of us, it was because Jesus called us to this work, and for others, it was a step of obedience to the call Jesus to make disciples among the nations. Greece is a strategic transit country for refugees trying to reach western Europe. The flow goes up and down but never stops. We ended up as a team focusing on Middle Eastern Peoples the reason being the tremendous gospel need among these peoples. There are many unreached peoples in the Middle East. Many of these unreached peoples are present in the refugee flow into Europe. It was our desire to see these people reached with the gospel and disciples raised up among them.
Our strategy has been to work alongside and raise up national leaders who can reach their own people. The need here in Greece is for apostolic workers who can evangelize, baptize and raise up obedient disciples. Ideally, Apostolic workers who have already been doing all these things back on the home front. The greatest challenges to serving in Greece are long-term visas and long-term commitment to the work of raising up disciples.
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