DNI operates under the faith missions model. Trusting Him to provide does not guarantee that all budgets will be fully met, but in the words of Hudson Taylor, “God’s work done God’s way will never lack God’s supply.” Over the years, we have seen God answer prayer time after time in both small and big ways through the generosity of His people.
We believe in the importance of transparency and are committed to making information available to those who are interested. We make information available to our support base regarding needs and opportunities, but do not make direct requests for funds (eg. appeal letters, fundraisers, etc).
Learn more about the DNI financial model.
Donation Options
Payable to: DNI
Clearly designate the name of the worker, project, or fund in the memo line.
Mail to:
DestiNations International
P.O. Box 218
Elnora, IN 47529
Tax-deductible receipts will be sent after we process your donation.
Fill out our ACH form to set up recurring donations.
Tax-deductible receipts will be sent annually.
See list of projects and funds below to donate via PayPal.
For donations of $1000 or more, please send a check to avoid large processing fees.
Tax-deductible receipts will be sent after we process your donation.
Projects & Funds
General Fund
Donating to the General Fund helps to pay for things like:
– Worker training
– Worker travel to and from the field of service at the beginning and end of terms
– Board travel to visit workers on the field
– Worker retreats
– Publications
Payable to: DNI
Clearly designate “DNI General Fund” in the memo line.
Mail to:
DestiNations International
P.O. Box 218
Elnora, IN 47529
Tax-deductible receipts will be sent after we process your donation.
Fill out our ACH form to set up recurring donations.
Tax-deductible receipts will be sent annually.
Click here to donate via PayPal.
For donations of $1000 or more, please send a check to avoid large processing fees.
Tax-deductible receipts will be sent after we process your donation.
General Fund Report
Worker Support
– Give to a specific worker
Workers are responsible for all personal living expenses (food, rent, utilities, transportation on the field, vacations, etc.) from the designated gifts they receive each month. Designated gifts for DNI workers are forwarded directly to them. No percentage is deducted for administrative expenses since DNI administrative staff are also supported using the faith missions model. Contact us to access DNI worker financial summaries.
Learn more about worker support here.
Payable to: DNI
Clearly designate the name of the worker in the memo line.
Mail to:
DestiNations International
P.O. Box 218
Elnora, IN 47529
Tax-deductible receipts will be sent after we process your donation.
Fill out our ACH form to set up recurring donations.
Tax-deductible receipts will be sent annually.
Click here to donate via PayPal to a specific worker.
For donations of $1000 or more, please send a check to avoid large processing fees.
Tax-deductible receipts will be sent after we process your donation.
Undesignated Worker Support
– Give where needed most
Your gift to the “Undesignated Worker Support” fund provides financial assistance for workers whose support levels are significantly under budget.
Payable to: DNI
Clearly designate “Undesignated Worker Support” in the memo line.
Mail to:
DestiNations International
P.O. Box 218
Elnora, IN 47529
Tax-deductible receipts will be sent after we process your donation.
Fill out our ACH form to set up recurring donations.
Tax-deductible receipts will be sent annually.
Click here to donate via PayPal.
For donations of $1000 or more, please send a check to avoid large processing fees.
Tax-deductible receipts will be sent after we process your donation.
Undesignated Worker Support Fund Report
Education & Language Assistance Fund
Entering creative access countries often requires higher education. The cost of getting a college degree may significantly delay DNI workers getting to the field. Your gifts to this fund allow us to assist DNI workers with minimum college tuition payments.
In order to communicate the Gospel effectively, we believe it is very important to take the time to learn the language well. Depending on the location and options available, language study can be very expensive. Your gifts to this fund will be used to assist DNI workers with those expenses as needed.
Payable to: DNI
Clearly designate “Education & Language Assistance Fund” in the memo line.
Mail to:
DestiNations International
P.O. Box 218
Elnora, IN 47529
Tax-deductible receipts will be sent after we process your donation.
Fill out our ACH form to set up recurring donations.
Tax-deductible receipts will be sent annually.
Click here to donate via PayPal.
For donations of $1000 or more, please send a check to avoid large processing fees.
Tax-deductible receipts will be sent after we process your donation.
Education & Language Assistance Fund Report
New Field Exploration Fund
We partner with visionary candidates to open new fields and locations. An important part in this process is researching and exploring the needs before launching a team. This fund covers the cost of travel to and from the location of interest, as well as other costs associated with exploratory trips.
NOTE: This does not include the cost of financial support and personal expenses incurred by those involved in new field exploration. See the Worker Support section above.
Payable to: DNI
Clearly designate “New Field Exploration Fund” in the memo line.
Mail to:
DestiNations International
P.O. Box 218
Elnora, IN 47529
Tax-deductible receipts will be sent after we process your donation.
Fill out our ACH form to set up recurring donations.
Tax-deductible receipts will be sent annually.
Click here to donate via PayPal.
For donations of $1000 or more, please send a check to avoid large processing fees.
Tax-deductible receipts will be sent after we process your donation.
New Field Exploration Fund Report
Worker & Team Development Fund
This fund enables us to provide ongoing training and development resources for DNI workers and teams. This could include seminars, team building events, skill-based courses, college classes, and more.
Payable to: DNI
Clearly designate “Worker & Team Development” in the memo line.
Mail to:
DestiNations International
P.O. Box 218
Elnora, IN 47529
Tax-deductible receipts will be sent after we process your donation.
Fill out our ACH form to set up recurring donations.
Tax-deductible receipts will be sent annually.
Click here to donate via PayPal.
For donations of $1000 or more, please send a check to avoid large processing fees.
Tax-deductible receipts will be sent after we process your donation.
Worker & Team Development Fund Report
INSTill Sponsorship Program
Through the INSTill Sponsorship Program our vision is to partner with Khmer families to enable their children to complete high school education. Lack of money, proper documentation and motivation are just a few of the reasons Khmer children are not sent to school. More than just providing funds, our purpose is to encourage families to prioritize education, as well as assist the families in communication with the schools and education officials for proper documentation, etc. The vision of INSTill Sponsorship program is to give a hand-up rather than a hand-out, to empower families with the knowledge and experience to give their children a bright future. To instill hope and vision in their hearts. As the Khmer saying goes, ‘Drop by drop the cup is filled.’
In Khmer culture, it is common for older children to become the financial supporters of the family starting as young as 12 years old. Not having had the opportunity to get an education or learn a skill, they often go to work in the clothing factories where they are overworked and underpaid. Once they start in the factories, they never have the opportunity to study or learn a skill that will help them get a better job. Young girls are sometimes sent to work in the KTV (karaoke) bars where they’re at risk of ending up in the sex industry. Once they start down one of these paths the cycle of poverty continues unbroken from generation to generation.
In other situations, families try to send their children to school, but the legal paperwork required for them to continue to high school is often complicated. Not having the connections or motivational support, many parents give up and decide to pull their child from school and have them start working.
Through our different programs, we have connections with many families in our neighborhood who face difficulties educating their children. Born out of a desire to see the cycle of poverty broken for these children, we have a vision to start a sponsorship program that will fund these children through high school. But more than just a financial handout for these families, we want to give life to their dreams of a better future. We want to instill in them the value of working hard and not giving up. Through all of this, our ultimate goal is always to give the message of hope that Jesus Christ brings to this broken world.
Learn more about the Cambodia team on their team page.
Redeeming Rain Organization - Operational Expenses
Your donations will help run the Redeeming Rain Organization. The center teaches English classes, Computer courses, and Bible stories. This is a great way to build relationships with people and share the Gospel with them. Funds will be used to pay for the staff’s monthly salaries.
Cost: $1,600/month
Learn more about the Cambodia team on their team page.
Payable to: DNI
Clearly designate “Redeeming Rain Organization – Operational Expenses” in the memo line.
Mail to:
DestiNations International
P.O. Box 218
Elnora, IN 47529
Tax-deductible receipts will be sent after we process your donation.
Fill out our ACH form to set up recurring donations.
Tax-deductible receipts will be sent annually.
Click here to donate via PayPal.
For donations of $1000 or more, please send a check to avoid large processing fees.
Tax-deductible receipts will be sent after we process your donation.
Middle East Healthcare Ministry Project
This project is fully funded.
Donations will be used to fund medical care in local refugee camps and the local community.
Cost: $2,845/month
Services include but are not limited to:
- Midwifery services: Offering prenatal, postpartum, and women’s health care, including free prenatal vitamins for women
- Infant care: Providing baby formula for malnourished babies
- Arranging and funding special surgeries
- Burn care
Payable to: DNI
Clearly designate “Middle East Healthcare Ministry Project” in the memo line.
Mail to:
DestiNations International
P.O. Box 218
Elnora, IN 47529
Tax-deductible receipts will be sent after we process your donation.
Fill out our ACH form to set up recurring donations.
Tax-deductible receipts will be sent annually.
Click here to donate via PayPal.
For donations of $1000 or more, please send a check to avoid large processing fees.
Tax-deductible receipts will be sent after we process your donation.
Middle East Healthcare Ministry Fund Report
Shepherd's Cup Café
Shepherd’s Cup is a cafe, bookstore, and community space in Brooklyn, NY. We also offer free English classes to immigrants and provide employment. It has been a thrilling point of connection to immigrants and the community – an amazing privilege! Shepherd’s Cup is set up as non-profit 501c3 organization.
In 2019 GIFC, another non-profit based in Lancaster, PA, bought the building and helped provide resources for Shepherd’s Cup to get started. GIFC has offered to sell the building to Shepherd’s Cup. There are several advantages to this. It is logical for Shepherd’s Cup to be responsible for the building long-term instead of GIFC. Also, owning the building without a mortgage should help us to cut down on expenses such as the current monthly rent.
DNI is recommending this as a cause in line with its values. You are welcome to be a part of this opportunity by giving toward the Shepherd’s Cup Building Fund. Donations are tax deductible.
MTC General Fund
Your support of the Ministry Training Center (MTC) General Fund helps empower individuals to share the Gospel globally. Funds are used to cover operating expenses and building improvement projects.
Learn more on the team’s page
Payable to: DNI
Clearly designate “MTC General Fund” in the memo line.
Mail to:
DestiNations International
P.O. Box 218
Elnora, IN 47529
Tax-deductible receipts will be sent after we process your donation.
Fill out our ACH form to set up recurring donations.
Tax-deductible receipts will be sent annually.
Click here to donate via PayPal.
For donations of $1000 or more, please send a check to avoid large processing fees.
Tax-deductible receipts will be sent after we process your donation.
S.E. Asia Refugees - Special Medical Needs
Some of the people we serve in our clinic require medical interventions not available inside the camp. With your help we can help people with extremely swollen tonsils almost blocking their throat to have surgery to remove them.
We can help young ladies with unsightly eye defects to have surgery to have a glass eye put in increasing their marriage prospects. Or those with birth defects causing them to be unable to control their urine to have surgery to gain that control.
The boy on the picture had fallen and broken his jaw several months earlier. It was not taken care of properly and eventually the boy was unable to open his mouth more than about half an inch making it very difficult to eat. We were able to help the family with the finances they needed for surgery and he is doing much better.
Cost: $1,000/month
Learn more on the team’s page.
Payable to: DNI
Clearly designate “Southeast Asia Refugees – Special Medical Needs” in the memo line.
Mail to:
DestiNations International
P.O. Box 218
Elnora, IN 47529
Tax-deductible receipts will be sent after we process your donation.
Fill out our ACH form to set up recurring donations.
Tax-deductible receipts will be sent annually.
Click here to donate via PayPal.
For donations of $1000 or more, please send a check to avoid large processing fees.
Tax-deductible receipts will be sent after we process your donation.
S.E. Asia Refugees - Special Medical Needs Fund Report
S.E. Asia Refugees - Baby Formula Fund
Imagine the heartbreak of not being able to see your baby thrive and grow. This is the case for many parents in developing countries. Maybe your baby has a cleft palate and cannot breastfeed because of that. Maybe the mother does not have enough breastmilk to provide adequate nutrition to her baby. Or maybe the baby’s mother died at birth and you, the father, are left with 2-3 children including this newborn to feed and care for alone with no steady job or source of income. We are happy to be able to provide support to families facing these scenarios living in a refugee camp in southeast Asia. It is a joy to see the babies start to thrive and to see the worry lines on the faces of the parents change to smiles and pride as their babies start to fill out.
Cost: $575/month
Learn more on the team’s page.
Payable to: DNI
Clearly designate “Southeast Asia Refugees – Baby Formula Fund” in the memo line.
Mail to:
DestiNations International
P.O. Box 218
Elnora, IN 47529
Tax-deductible receipts will be sent after we process your donation.
Fill out our ACH form to set up recurring donations.
Tax-deductible receipts will be sent annually.
Click here to donate via PayPal.
For donations of $1000 or more, please send a check to avoid large processing fees.
Tax-deductible receipts will be sent after we process your donation.
S.E. Asia Refugees - Baby Formula Fund Report
RESTORE Training
Restore Training is a trauma-based training committed to equipping our women to facilitate the restoration of women in hard places. Our vision is to see Anabaptist women receiving the healing and redemption of Jesus in their own lives and then moving with Jesus’ power into the stories of trafficked and vulnerable women.
Restore Training offers training in trauma and crisis care, counseling, crisis pregnancy, anti-trafficking, and issues related to Muslim women. We host the Hands that Heal seminar online through the Faith Alliance against Slavery and Trafficking, equipping women engaging in counter-trafficking efforts. We also host webinars periodically, pulling in experienced women for specific topics such as Healthy Sexuality or Redemptive Interventions. Depending on the trainee’s choice of the three certificates we offer, they may participate in six weeks of Bible School and Long-Term Orientation in NYC. We pair trainees with experienced coaches, who facilitate the training process and help them navigate the outsourced training materials.
To read more about the Restore Training, you may visit: www.restore.training
– RESTORE Operational Expenses
These funds are used for the general operating expenses including providing training and support for our volunteer coaches and helping to host the Hands that Heal Seminar.
Cost: $640/month
– RESTORE Scholarship Fund
This fund will enable us to give scholarships to RESTORE trainees who are serving in ministry or may not be able to pay for their training.
Cost: $12,800 total
Payable to: DNI
Clearly designate “RESTORE Operational Expenses” or “RESTORE Scholarship Fund” in the memo line.
Mail to:
DestiNations International
P.O. Box 218
Elnora, IN 47529
Tax-deductible receipts will be sent after we process your donation.
Fill out our ACH form to set up recurring donations.
Tax-deductible receipts will be sent annually.
Click here to donate via PayPal to RESTORE Operational Expenses.
Click here to donate via PayPal to RESTORE Scholarship Fund.
For donations of $1000 or more, please send a check to avoid large processing fees.
Tax-deductible receipts will be sent after we process your donation.