Our vision is to share the Gospel and plant churches in districts or areas amongst the central Thai that have no church presence.
Thailand means land of the free. This country is the only nation in Southeast Asia that never experienced colonialization. For this reason, the Thai people are proud of their national identity, ethnic heritage, and culture. The predominant religion of the Thai people is Theravada Buddhism with a small minority of Islam, Christian, and various eastern religions, and cults.
The largest unreached people group in Thailand is the central Thai. This group numbers approximately twenty-three million. Less than one-half of one percent of this group have accepted Christ as their savior.
While Anabaptists and related groups have served in Thailand since 1960. Efforts in church planting and evangelism have resulted in four hundred and ninety-four congregations since that time. The vision of the DestiNations Thailand team is to share the Gospel and plant churches in districts or areas amongst the central Thai that have no church presence. This team will live in the target communities, studying the language and culture, sharing the Gospel, modeling Christlikeness in a conservative Anabaptist context, and seek ways to contribute to the blessing of the Thai people in Jesus’ name.
Visit this page to learn how you can pray for the work of DNI.
Consider donating to worker support to support this team. Contact us to learn about the financial status of the team or to learn who the team members are.
Church Planters Needed
We are looking to recruit couples, singles, or families to join a new church planting team in Thailand.
– Minimum Commitment: 3 years