S.E. Asia Refugees

A small group of believers is prayerfully working with men and women in our area with the vision that many will experience flourishing relationships with God and with each other.

A small group of believers is prayerfully working with men and women in our area with the vision that many will experience flourishing relationships with God and with each other. Through work, key relationships, bible studies, and training the team aims to proclaim the good news of the kingdom of God, teach the way of Jesus, and serve as able. We pray that God’s kingdom would become established among both the local residents, and among many who have fled here from other places to find refuge. The team is involved in a variety of ministry opportunities with different groups of people, and so we regularly meet together for prayer and encouragement and to catch up on each other’s lives, to share the joys and challenges of life together.


Visit this page to learn how you can pray for the work of DNI.


Worker Support

Consider donating to worker support to support this team. Contact us to learn about the financial status of the team or to learn who the team members are.

Special Medical Needs

Some of the people we serve in our clinic require medical interventions not available inside the camp. With your help we can help people with extremely swollen tonsils almost blocking their throat to have surgery to remove them.

We can help young ladies with unsightly eye defects to have surgery to have a glass eye put in increasing their marriage prospects. Or those with birth defects causing them to be unable to control their urine to have surgery to gain that control.

The boy on the picture had fallen and broken his jaw several months earlier. It was not taken care of properly and eventually the boy was unable to open his mouth more than about half an inch making it very difficult to eat. We were able to help the family with the finances they needed for surgery and he is doing much better.

Cost: $1,000/month


Payable to: DNI
Clearly designate “Southeast Asia Refugees – Special Medical Needs” in the memo line.
Mail to:
DestiNations International
P.O. Box 218
Elnora, IN 47529

Tax-deductible receipts will be sent after we process your donation.


Fill out our ACH form to set up recurring donations.

Tax-deductible receipts will be sent annually.


Click here to donate via PayPal.

For donations of $1000 or more, please send a check to avoid large processing fees.

Tax-deductible receipts will be sent after we process your donation.

Baby Formula Fund​

Imagine the heartbreak of not being able to see your baby thrive and grow. This is the case for many parents in developing countries. Maybe your baby has a cleft palate and cannot breastfeed because of that. Maybe the mother does not have enough breastmilk to provide adequate nutrition to her baby. Or maybe the baby’s mother died at birth and you, the father, are left with 2-3 children including this newborn to feed and care for alone with no steady job or source of income. We are happy to be able to provide support to families facing these scenarios living in a refugee camp in southeast Asia. It is a joy to see the babies start to thrive and to see the worry lines on the faces of the parents change to smiles and pride as their babies start to fill out.

Cost: $575/month


Payable to: DNI
Clearly designate “Southeast Asia Refugees – Baby Formula Fund” in the memo line.
Mail to:
DestiNations International
P.O. Box 218
Elnora, IN 47529

Tax-deductible receipts will be sent after we process your donation.


Fill out our ACH form to set up recurring donations.

Tax-deductible receipts will be sent annually.


Click here to donate via PayPal.

For donations of $1000 or more, please send a check to avoid large processing fees.

Tax-deductible receipts will be sent after we process your donation.


Church Planters Needed

We are looking to recruit couples, singles, or families to join a church planting team in South Asia that is working with refugees from Southeast Asia.
– Minimum Commitment: 3 years

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One-Time Donations

One-Time Donations

Recurring Donations

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